Cun Measurements

A “cun” (also called a “body inch”) is a relative unit of measurement used in traditional Chinese medicine to locate acupuncture points on the body.

On some areas of the body, cun measurements can be determined using one or multiple fingers, for example:

1 cun = the width of the thumb at the knuckle

1 cun = the width of the thumb at the knuckle

1.5 cun = the width of 2 fingers

1.5 cun = the width of 2 fingers

3 cun = the width of 4 fingers (minus thumb)

3 cun = the width of 4 fingers (minus thumb)

Other areas of the body, cun is determined using landmarks. For example, the space between the pubic symphysis and belly button is 5 cun while the space between the belly button and xiphoid process (the bottom of the sternum) is 8 cun. Because the areas are relative and based on the patient’s proportions, cun measurements vary from person to person.

Elizabeth Fuqua

South Of Belmar provides Squarespace website design, strategy, and training for small businesses, nonprofit, and individuals.

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